Thursday, September 22, 2011

    I gave Comic Master these ratings in each of the different categories . First I will start talking about Backgrounds . I gave Backgrounds a 3 because its not all that good . You only have a limited amount of Backgrounds too choose from and there not all that good . If you had an existing account with Comic Master , then you would have many more Backgrounds too choose from and much more . The Backgrounds are really good but since I have no account , I'm limited too very few Backgrounds .
          For Characters , I gave it a 2 because I wasn't able to choose any Characters . I was able to see some of the Characters but I was not able too use any of them . The Characters were actually really good but since I was not able too use any of them , not even just to try to them out so I decided too give it a 2 .
Comic Master is really good too use if you have an existing account , if not there's really no use in being able to add Characters .
         For Text , I rated it a 2 because I couldn't post any Text in the comic strip . Jus like in Characters , I must have a account in order too be able too have more features and be able to put Text . Using Text is a huge part of comics , because it can display many things . Text is a huge part of comic books , and a huge part of Comic Master , in order to be able too use this feature I would need to make an account but I don't have one which is a huge let down . 
         For Simplicity , I rated it a 1 because it was very complicated too me . I didn't fully understand how too use the site , plus i didn't have much to work with . With Comic Master I was lost almost the entire time which is sad because I'm usually really good with computers .

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